
- The 23rd IHP Training Course
- Topics: Ecohydrology for River Basin Management under Climate Change
- Date: 2-13 December 2013
- Venue: Water Resources Research Center, Disaster Prevention Research Institute,
Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan
- The 21st Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Southeast Asia and the
Pacific, UNESCO-IHP and the 2nd Nakdong River International Water Week/International
Water Forum 2013 (Na-Ri IWW/IWF 2013)
- Date: 30 September - 5 October, 2013
- Venue: Gyeongju City, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea
- Pre-registration Form (to be sent before 31 July 2013)
- Programe
- Logistical information
- Importamt Dates:
- Pre-registration submission: 31 July 2013
- Abstract submission: 15 July 2013
- Full paper submission: 31 August 2013
- FRIEND-Water2014: 7th Global FRIEND-Water Conference
- Theme: Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions
- Date: 20-23, October 2014
- Venue: Montpellier, France