- Hydrology & Water Resources Research Lab. is located in the C-cluster of Katsura Campus, Kyoto University.
- Address:C1-1, KyotoDaigaku-Katsura, Nishikyoku, Kyoto 615-8540
- Room104(Assistant Prof. Tanaka)
- Room105(Assistant Prof. Tinumbang)
- Room106(Prof. Tachikawa)
- Room116(Students)
- The closest train station is Katsura Sta. (Hnakyu Line).
From the west gate of the Katsura Sta., you can use
- City-bus: West6(西6)
- Keihan-bus: KeihanChuo(桂坂中央)
get off at the "Katsura-Goryou-Jaka". Fare is 230yen and it takes about 15 minutes.
(Do not get off at the "Katsura-Campus-Mae". Please come one more stop.)
- From the JR Kyoto Sta., you can come by
- 地下鉄烏丸線(国際会館行き)に乗り換え、四条駅で下車して、阪急京都線に乗り換えて頂くか、
- JR京都駅から京阪京都交通バス(21系統)をご利用頂くか(1時間に1本程度ですので、予めこちらでバスの時刻をお調べ下さい)、
- JR桂川駅まで行き、そこからヤサカバス(6号系統)をご利用頂くか(こちらは1時間に2本程度あります。こちらからバスの時刻をお調べ下さい)、
- JR桂川駅、あるいはJR向日町駅まで行き、そこから京阪京都交通バス(22号系統)をご利用頂くか(こちらは朝夕1本ずつしかありません)、
- Ah.... it is complicate to explain. Sorry, please just take a taxi. It will takes about 30minutes with 2,000yen.
- If you successfully come to C-cluster, please find the main gate and enter it. Then you can find the information board.
You will see where is the room 104, 105, 106, and 116. Congratulation!!! (^^)/
You can see the map of Katsura Campus ->