京都大学大学院工学研究科 社会基盤工学専攻
水工学講座 水文・水資源学分野
Hydrology and Water Resources Research Laboratory, Kyoto University
Our lives are closely connected to water, such as flood prevention during heavy rain, ensuring the necessary and safe water supply, and development of pleasant water environments. In our laboratory, we are scientifically and systematically analyzing the flow and cycle of water and materials, and relationships between these and society, as well as developments of simulation models that can predict these phenomena. We aim to build a better relationship between people and water by addressing the problems that arise between hydrologic cycle and society.
Lab Introduction Members
  • Prof.: Tachikawa, Y.
  • Assoc. Prof. (IMC): Kim, S.
  • Asst. Prof.: Aulia F. A. Tinumbang
  • Asst. Prof.: Fngami,S.
  • 2 doctoral course students
  • 5 master course students
  • 4 undergraduate course students
Prospective Students
Lecture Research Products
Research Projects
List of Papers Publications
Alumni Association (Touhou-Kai)